Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Day At Whale Beach

Whale Beach - one hour north of Sydney.  The weather forcast was hot and sunny, zero chance of rain.  Well it was cloudy all day, but the sun peaked through occassionaly and we all saw some sun on our bodies by the end of the day.  Whale Beach is a favorite for many as it is not so crowded and has very fine sand and beautiful water. 

Dale, Grace, Josh and Lance fighting the waves.

Raquel and Marty enjoying our time together.

Dale, the builder and architect helped the kids build a sand castle.  Lance especially enjoyed the digging, trenching, hauling water from the sea and just having a great time in the sand.  The kids also had fun riding their boogie boards on the waves.

Dale and Marty also got to play in the sand.
After a day at the beach we headed home and had a little "Barbie" before the kids crashed into bed.  Another great day "Down Under".

1 comment:

  1. What *taxing* days you are having hee hee. Fun in the sun has never looked so good! You might want to call on the evil witch doctor as your granddaughter grows up--think about it...Bottle up the sun and fun to bring home.
