Friday, January 25, 2013

Almost perfect day

We piled into 2 cars and drove about an hour to Whale Beach. The sun was shining, the weather was warm, perfect blue sky and warm ocean water.

The lifeguards use chalk boards to tell you about the beach conditions.  This first sign says this is not a kindy - they shorten everything - what they mean is this is not a day care (kindergarten) and we aren't going to watch your children.

this sign told us about the strong waves.

Grace and Lance boggie boarding.



Dale also took on the surf.

Cynthia and Josh - ready to go out and give it a try.

She almost went down, but is holding on for dear life.

There she goes.

Blue Bottle Jellyfish (Portuguese Man-of-War) were on the beach and in the surf.  There sting (small barbs on a tenacle) and is treated first with hot water and then ice.  First Grace and then Lance were stung while in the water.  First aid was given and there were no issues after a little ice.  


Jim and Cynthia on the beach.

Dale and the kids working on Snoppy who was sunbathing on the top of his house.

Raquel and Josh went out for the evening and the 4 of us babysat.  This was a little craft time.
Raquel out and coming in.

Marty on her board.

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