February 14, 2013 - Today is Valentine's Day- not a very big deal here. It is for lovers and not for people you love. So partners (that is what Australians call their spouses, boy friends, girl friends, etc.) may give flowers or gifts and go out to eat, but nothing for children or good friends. Dale and Marty decided to celebrate by doing the Bridge Climb over the Harbour Bridge. Raquel dropped us off at the train station before taking the kids to school. We took the train down into the city and then walked to the start of the climb. The bridge took 8 years to build and was completed in 1932. During WWII they were making plans to blow it up so the Japanese couldn't use it against them, but fortunately that didn't happen. The top of the bridge is 440 feet above sea level - the top of the Opera House is 220 feet above sea level. There are 6 million rivets - twice as many as the Effiel Tower- has 1,390 stairs, and is the widest longspan bridge in the world. It was the tallest structure in the city until 1967. It took almost an hour getting ready to climb. We were fitted into jumpsuits and everything we had was attached to us. All watches and jewelry were removed, sunglasses and hats attached, even a handkerchief - just in case - was wrapped around our wrists. We were not allowed to take cameras or phones with us. We were not only scanned for metal, but also given a breathalyzer test. Then we started to climb. Below are pictures of people starting their climb. We were attached to a cable and the views got better with every step. We first climbed the eastern arch, to the summit (440 feet above sea level) and then down the weatern arch. We traveled through the outer arch of the bridge on catwalks and ladders all the way to the summit. The steady climb to the summit allowed us to view 360 degrees views of Sydney. The day was so clear we could see the top of the Blue Mountains and the city surrounding the harbour.

Our group on the summit. Dale is the 3rd one from the right in the back row and Marty the 3rd one from the right in the front row with sunglasses (sunnies) on.
Celebrating Valentine's Day - what a view.
After our 2 hour climb we put our feet back on the earth and walked to the Contempoary Museum - this was a white marble sculptureof the ear and inner ear including hammer, stirrup, etc (clear pieces by Marty's face). We were not impressed with the contemporary art they showed.
We took the train back to Beecroft and Josh and Lance picked us up. When Grace and Raquel got back from dance, we headed to Chicken and Fishhead - a fun little resturant with great food. We met their good friends, Ben, Susie, Jack, Olivia an Hughy there and had a wonderful dinner of warm chicken salad and of course a chocolate dessert. It is Valentine's Day after all.
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